
Barry Fralick

Sunday Notes 4/21/24

Published 25 days ago • 1 min read

Hello from Upstate, NY.

Here are this week's notes.

From me: Thoughts on grief, mourning, and shame

Grief is the overwhelming feeling that comes with loss. It is something out of our control. A visceral response that only fades with time and mourning.

Mourning is the process of dealing with grief. It is the deeply personal and internal comprehension of events. Mourning is the creation of a map that guides us forward.

Shame is the concealed element. It hides amongst grief. Thoughts like: 'I should have spent more time with this person.' or 'I should have told them how I truly felt.' There are a lot of 'shoulds' within shame.

I'm not sure how you confront shame. Maybe you don't. It seems irreconcilable. But I do think it's preventable, just like regret.

The risk of shame is lessoned by giving time, caring words, and loving attention to people and things held dearest. Each day is an opportunity to prevent shame.


A quote:

There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by. A life of good days lived in the senses is not enough. The life of sensation is the life of greed; it requires more and more. The life of the spirit requires less and less; time is ample and its passage sweet. Who would call a day spent reading a good day? But a life spent reading ― that is a good life.
― Annie Dillard


Interesting: How To Die In Good Health

As we grasp that our days are limited, we seem to abdicate our need for control; we may try to close the gap between what we want and what we have. Healthy aging seems to require a shift in mind-set as much as a shift in muscle mass.


Life Design: Jung's Five Pillars of a Good Life


  1. Focus on good physical and mental health.
  2. Cultivate worthwhile relationships.
  3. See beauty in art and nature.
  4. Create adequate means through meaningful work.
  5. Find a method of thinking that promotes resilience


Work: 37 Pieces of Career Advice I Wish I'd Known Earlier


From Twitter: On summertime.


Lastly, a question: Via Martino Pietropoli: What is one thing that might change your life?

As always, thanks for reading. ❤️


Barry Fralick

Writer exploring culture, technology, life design, and the human experience. Writing at

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