
Barry Fralick

Sunday Notes 3/31/24

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hello and Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

Here are this week's notes.

From me: Some things that don't work

Compromise - This will sound self-centered and perhaps it is, but every time we compromise, we dilute a small part of ourselves. Compromise too much and we all but forget who we are. Contempt follows compromise.

5-minute rice - It takes 6-7 minutes. I have timed it.

Doing nothing - It is the most common path and one that never works. H/T Seth Godin

Obsessing over political views - What influence do we really have over our government? I suspect less than we think.

Vitamin D supplements - I don't have a cited source for this and frankly I don't care because after 43 years living in the northeast, I'm fairly certain there is no substitute for sun exposure.

Credit card travel rewards - This will ruffle some feathers but, by the time you mess around with travel portals and transfer partners to maximize points you've all but defeated the purpose. Your time is too valuable. I prefer cashback out of sheer simplicity.


Consumerism: Taste Games

People with mostly economic capital play the Expensive Cars game. People with mostly cultural capital play the Glass Bead Game. We all play the game we think we can do better at.


From Reddit: A doctor asked, How do you automate your life to have more free time?

There is a lot of good info in this thread with the central theme being: utilize technology and take a systems-thinking approach.


Interesting: I’m an (Actual) Detective: Here are 7 Signs That Someone Is Lying to You

Note: This link may be paywalled but I hope not.


Travel: The Best European Beach Destinations to Live In


A quote:

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin―real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business; time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life could begin. At last it had dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
― Bette Howland


Lastly, a question for making decisions: What is the cost of not doing this?

As always, thanks for reading.

See you next week.


Barry Fralick

Writer exploring culture, technology, life design, and the human experience. Writing at

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