
Barry Fralick

Sunday Notes 3/17/24

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Greetings and Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Here are this week's notes.

From me: Random thoughts on money, minimalism, and consumerism.

  • Dust pollutes the air. Chemicals pollute water. Clutter pollutes the mind.
  • Shopping for sport is an expensive and addictive hobby.
  • Money reduces stress. Stuff, in most cases, increases it.
  • Luxury items signal a person 'had' money or is in debt.
  • Consumerism is an economic reward for servitude to an apparatus that wishes you could be automated.
  • Excess money compounds. Excess stuff degrades.
  • No one will want your things when you die. If anything, they will feel burdened.

Related: 40 One Sentence Thoughts on Minimalism


??: Via Ali Montag, The Job is a lovely read exploring the meaning of work.


Life Design: The 9 Facts of Life

Who you decide to spend your time with is the most important decision you will ever make. If you collect the right friendships, everything else will take care of itself.


Personal Development: Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Stronger Person


A quote:

Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
― Henry Miller


From Twitter: A Different Perspective


Lastly, a question worth pondering: Would your life be more exciting if you were a little more reckless?

That is it for this week.

Until next time, live well.


Barry Fralick

Writer exploring culture, technology, life design, and the human experience. Writing at

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